The Life Vest Inside Mission

To EMPOWER and UNITE the world with KINDNESS. Life Vest Inside inspires people to recognize the potential they have to affect real and positive change in this world through kindness.
Life Vest Inside is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to spreading kindness, helping people recognize their potential, and building self-esteem. Life Vest Insides program’s, such as its kindness education curriculum and social media application, aim to inspire acts of programs, charity and human connection.
Many People lack the self-esteem necessary to cope with the challenges the world puts in front of them. At Life Vest Inside, they help to build self-esteem in the belief that once people see the value within themselves, they will begin to see that value in others. This behavior becomes self-perpetuating, and spurs and “upward spiral” of kindness.
That’s why we’re supporting Life Vest Inside
during our Kindness Journey this year.

Meet Orly Wahba, the Founder of Life Vest Inside

Founder/CEO of Life Vest Inside Director of Kindness Boomerang Orly Wahba is an educator, entrepreneur, and community activist passionate about inspiring and motivating people to be the best that they can be. For over the past ten years, Orly has worked extensively with tweens and teens as well as local charities in her community providing a helping hand for those who need it most. She has worked in conjunction with a vast array of organizations such as Chai Lifeline, Sephardic Bikur Holim, Kids Kicking Cancer and is also an executive member of the World Kindness Movement. Orly began her career in Kindness as a Middle School educator at the Yeshivah of Flatbush in Brooklyn, NY, teaching the children to embrace unity, build their self-esteem, and use the power they have to influence the world for good. Orly is well known for incorporating and integrating ideas of kindness, love and respect in the hearts and minds of her students both in and out of the classroom setting. She is often quoted as saying, “Kindness, don’t just do it…LIVE IT!”
Yearning to make a larger impact with her philanthropic work and after having been inspired by a same sign on a plane labeled “Life Vest Inside” Orly founded (2011) Life Vest Inside, a non-profit organization with a mission to encourage people to embrace the incredible power of giving and recognize that in times of hardship,kindness, like a life vest, keeps the world afloat. LVI shot to national attention when Orly’s film Kindness Boomerang went viral, receiving more than 20 million views and coverage in media outlets such as Ad Week, IBTimes, and CBS News. The magic that Orly spreads is undeniable. Through Life Vest Inside, kind happenings are becoming more frequent. There is a spectacular energy about Orly and if you are lucky enough to encounter the spunky, (usually) orange-clad brunette herself, she will most likely be making a chalk walk of inspiration in Times Square or giving out her famed Acts of Kindness Cards on the subway. And as Orly’s kindness mob grows by the thousands, more people are experiencing the addictiveness in the giving of kindness.Orly received her BA in Film Production and English from Brooklyn College, and her MA in Jewish History from Touro College. Orly is an executive member of the World Kindness Movement.
Orly speaks about the magic of kindness at TED