The Kindness Journey Team

The Dream Team over at Wholehearted Business Development have created all that you see here, as well as all the marketing tools and communications necessary to support The Kindness Journey outreach efforts. All these wonderful professionals have graciously offered their time and expertise to support their Chief Visionary, Amanda Winn, and her son, Jaden on their yearlong Kindness Journey.
The Wholehearted Business development Dream Team is extremely grateful to be promoting kindness by showing kindness!
Here is what kindness means to each of them:

Katie Grant – Copywriting:
Kindness is going out of your way to make others feel loved and appreciated.
Holly Moxley – Design:
Kindness is showing love, consideration and caring for someone or something. Putting the needs or best interests of others first. Acting in a way that benefits another.

Dominick John – Web Development:
Kindness is being the conduit for abundance and love to manifest.
Robyn Heller – Editing:
Kindness is thinking of another person and doing something that can ease their journey.

Maura Desimone – Marketing Materials:
Kindness is pure love shared perfectly.
Amy Dier – Filming:
Kindness is a heartfelt act in which you show pure love to another human being, animal, plant, mammal, atom, cell, and is the energy of every living thing on our planet.

Amanda Scharpf – Project Management:
Kindness is knowing and understanding that behind all the layers of language, culture, background, race, or even species that we all desire the same thing: to give and receive love and respect.
Yumiko Whitaker – Public Relations:
Kindness is simple graces shared with others. These can be large or small gestures, but they require action on one’s part – a pleasantry spoken, a door held open, etc.